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Why Charity?

This is my grandfather, Marty Wilson. He's a rocket scientist. No, really! He was one of the engineers who designed the rocket boosters on the lunar landing module for the Apollo missions. He's the smartest man I know. That is until early onset dementia turned into Alzheimer's disease. It's heart wrenching to watch this heinous disease slowly strip away his memory, day by day, hour by hour. I'm grateful he's still with us even though he's just a shell of his former self. We must find a cure!

When I created NoCo Alpine Woodworks, I decided that there must be some way, even if it is small, to help find a cure. After thorough research, I chose Alzheimer's Association as the beneficiary of our charitable giving. They are the number one non-profit institution of Alzheimer's research funding.


As you consider the purchase of one of my hand-crafted pieces, please know that 10% of the purchase price will be donated to Alzheimer's Association. I would be so very grateful. And if you feel so inclined, you can donate to them directly by pressing the donate button below.

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©2022-2023 by NoCo Alpine Woodworks, LLC.

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